On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 08:29:44PM -0800, Neelam wrote:
> * Voluntary context switches occur almost every time due to doorfs()
> system call. They do occur for a few times due to lwp_park() and very
> few times due to yield().

door_call() does a context switch, yes (an optimized one, but one
nonetheless).  Solaris uses lots of doors for lots of things...

Few apps call yield().

> * Involuntary happens anytime. (lwp_park(), read(), fstat(), putmsg(),
> gtime() and sometime without any system call!!)
> Does anyone have any idea, what could be the reason for this unexpected 
> behavior?

Yes: the kernel is fully preemtible.

Non-fully-preemtible kernels only do involuntary context switches at
very well defined boundaries: when the process is running in user-land,
when the process returns from a system call, ...  But Solaris' is a
fully preemtible kernel and there's only a few points where preemption
is not possible, which means that involuntary context switches can
happen in surprising places -- surprising if you are used to old Unix
kernel designs.

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