On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 02:17:46PM -0800, Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
> Replaced SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT with SS_DIRECT in tcptop per the thread you
> cited - now I get a new error:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ 2:14pm 133 # ./tcptop
> dtrace: failed to compile script /dev/fd/11: line 163: failed to resolve
> `tcp_g_q: Unknown symbol name
> I got it from here:
> http://www.brendangregg.com/DTrace/tcptop
> is that not up to date?

Sorry about that - I've kept the DTraceToolkit bundle up to date, but not
individual copies of those scripts in other locations.  I'll either update
that copy, or link it to the DTraceToolkit bundle when I get a chance.

Stefan Parvu has an up to date HTML browsable version of the toolkit here:


Click on "0.99".


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