Mirko Cetkovic wrote:

> - mytestapp is compiled without any switch
> CC -o mytestapp mytestapp.cc

why are you using C++ compiler for a simple C program (not that it should 
make a difference ... but who knows?)?

> - Regarding -o switch and "set snooping=1" I will try it tonight as well
> The issue which bothers me is that it is possible to get unresponsive
> system during application tracing which is not in line with statement
> that I gave to my bosses that dtrace allows tracing with minimal system
> impact :))) If it proves that my stupid example hangs box for minutes it
> will be enough reason to reject all my efforts in convincing them to
> switch to solaris :(

one can overload any system :-)

you need to be careful with sweeping statements, as you've seen, since 
there's frequently some way to prove an exception exists!

I once made the mistake of typing
where I meant
(because in the kernel's fbt provider, which was all I'd seen at the time, 
that would have been the same), and the machine hung trying to instrument 
*every instruction* in the target process.

IMO, DTrace is superior to any other technology in the same area, and, when 
used appropriately, probe impact is minimal.

> I have to misuse this thread for another question: Q: Where can I
> discuss asynchronous socketing on [Open]Solaris ?


Michael Schuster     http://blogs.sun.com/recursion
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