> Marcelo Leal wrote:
> > Hello all...
> >  Thanks a lot for the answers! I think the problem
> is "almost" fixed. Every dtrace documentation says to
> use predicates to guarantee the relation between the
> start/done probes... Max was the only one paying
> attention reading the docs. ;-)
> >   
> Actually, this is not from reading the docs.  It is
> from being burnt a 
> few times by
> getting "impossible" time values.  By the way, I am
> replying to you and 
> to the mailing
> list, but messages to you are getting bounced.

 Oh, seems like i need to update my profile. ;-)

> >  But i'm still getting weird numbers:
> >   
> Which numbers don't look right?  3 of your reads took
> between 2 and 4 
> milliseconds, most were between
> 8 and 16 nanoseconds.  21 writes took between 2 and 4
> milliseconds, the 
> most amount of time
> spent doing read/write by host is about 1.2 seconds,
> and teste/file10 
> took about 1.1 seconds.
> Looks pretty good to me.(?).  I'm curious about what
> you were expecting 
> to see.
 The problem is the total numbers...
 1267135728 and 1126991407, for example. 
 21 and 19 minutes in a ten minutes trace.
 Or am i missing something?


> > Wed Dec 10 08:36:33 BRST 2008
> > Wed Dec 10 08:46:55 BRST 2008
> >
> > ------------ cut here -------------
> > Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
> > ^C
> > NFSv3 read/write distributions (us):
> >
> >   read
> >            value  ------------- Distribution
> ------------- count
> >                2 |
>                                         0
>                      631
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                         145603
> >               16 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
>                        155926
>                                       15970
>                        6111
>                                       942
>                        372
>                                       883
>                        1649
>                                       1090
>                        8278
>                                       24605
>                        8868
>                                       1694
>                        304
>                                       63
>                        27
>                                       31
>                        43
>                                       3
>                        0
> value  ------------- Distribution -------------
>  count
> 128 |
>                                         0        
>                      1083     
> @@@                                     32622    
> >             1024 |@@@@@@@@@
>                                70353    
>                               70851    
>                                47906    
>                               44898    
>                                20481    
>                               5633     
>                                1605     
>                               1339
>                                957
>                               380
>                                143
>                               21
>                                0
> otal us):
> >
> >   x.16.0.x
> 647019
> >   x.16.0.x
> 734488
> >   x.16.0.x
> 0890034
> >   x.16.0.x
> 8852624
> >   x.16.0.x
> 0407241
> >   x.16.0.x
> 9028592
> >   x.16.0.x
> 3013688
> >   x.16.0.x
> 04045281
> >   x.16.0.x
> 05245138
> >   x.16.0.x
> 24286383
> >   x.16.0.x
> 54526695
> >   x.16.0.x
> 94419023
> >   x.16.0.x
> 21794650
> >   x.16.0.x
> 59302970
> >   x.16.0.x
> 89694542
> >   x.16.0.x
> 90207418
> >   x.16.0.x
> 87983050
> >   x.16.0.x
> 267135728
> >
> > NFSv3 read/write top 10 files (total us):
> >
> >   /teste/file1                   95870303
> >   /teste/file2                  104212948
> >   /teste/file3                  104311607
> >   /teste/file4                  121076447
> >   /teste/file5                  137687236
> >   /teste/file6                  160895273
> >   /teste/file7                  180765880
> >   /teste/file8                  198827114
> >   /teste/file9                  372380414
> >   /teste/file10                 1126991407
> > ---------- cut here --------------
> >   
> >  Max, will be difficult disable processors on that
> machine (production). 
> >   
> Yes.  I understand. 
> Regards,
> max
> >  Thanks again!
> >
> >  Leal
> > [http://www.eall.com.br/blog]
> >   
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