It's also Nevada/OpenSolaris only.
If you want microstate accounting on S10 you
need something else.

Unless it was back ported to S10 without the man page being

James Litchfield wrote:
Agreed. I missed that. Since it does only the process,
is that good enough?

Chad Mynhier wrote:
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 1:28 PM, James
Litchfield<> wrote:
It goes back to what problem is being solved.

A) ptime requires that it start the app. It can't
   attach to a running app. It aggregates all the
   data and does not offer a per-lwp breakdown.
   Given the mechanisms it uses, that's all it can do.
   If that's adequate then the problem is solved.

Actually, the version of ptime that Jim's talking about _can_ attach
to a running app.  I added the -p option to do just that.  (Of course,
it won't attach to a running app and then wait until it completes, it
only attaches long enough to grab a snapshot of the microstate stats.)

For example:

# ptime -mp `pgrep nscd`

real 29:45:57.427092032
user        1.852038785
sys         2.133489810
trap        0.005027352
tflt        0.000000000
dflt        0.000009597
kflt        0.000000000
lock 29:45:54.115500466
slp  773:53:38.737153459
lat         0.105180668
stop        0.017284688


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