Thanks Jim.

> Threads are put to sleep when they issue blocking
> system calls.
> I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "only know
> synchronous
> app wait from an app perspective....", but the
> threads will be in the
> sleep state (SLP) after issuing the read/write until
> the data is
> available, at which point a wakeup is issued and the
> thread goes to
> runnable.

I wanted to avoid any filesystem specifc behavior from the output.

> You're conspicuously avoiding answering the "what
> problem are you
> trying to solve question", which has been asked
> multiple times.

I hoped I tried to convey that couple of times, I guess I am not clear enough. 
Sorry about that.  The problem remains the same: profile app run time. sys, 
usr, various wait's. From your reponse, it becomes clear that think I have been 
using the wrong term, instead of calling wait's that time is sleep. So, a 
breakup of sleep time among various reasons. 
> This is no longer a DTrace question, so any further
> queries should get
> posted to the performance forum.

OK. CC'd to "Communities-performance-discuss"
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