Brendan Gregg - Sun Microsystems wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 04:07:23PM -0800, Otto P. wrote:
>> New to opensolaris and dtrace. I'm interested in the network scripts but I 
>> find that many don't work.  Should my expectations be low right now?
> Only for networking, which is probably the most difficult area to start with.
> There is work underway for a stable DTrace TCP network provider; until that
> exists, any scripts written based on the unstable fbt provider tend to break
> from release to release, such as the tcpsnoop/tcptop scripts.  This will get
> a lot better, but we aren't there yet.
> There are quite a lot more TCP scripts I would like to write and add to the
> DTraceToolkit, but I've held back until the stable provider is available,
> otherwise it could just annoy people more.

I agree that networking has some difficult problems compared with other
areas, but I don't think that's the only problem here.

If folks actually want to rely on these scripts, perhaps they ought to
be tested regularly, made the subject of integration requirements (so
that others modifying the stack are required to update them), and even
moved out of /usr/demo.

That which isn't tested doesn't work.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <>
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