
I'd like to ask your opinion about a behaviour of the wetting phase saturation at inlet.

Here I simulate an horizontal well [150 x 100] m, without gravity but with capillarity (Pc) with 2p (pwsw formulation) on Dumux 2.12.

Neuman on pressure and Dirichlet on saturation is imposed at inlet (s_w = s_max = 0.7856) without any Eff2Abs, just I implemented my law interpolated from raw data.

At outlet, Dirichlet on pressure and Neuman on saturation. Upper/bottom are no flux BCs.

What you see in the picture is the wetting phase saturation profile extracted along the y = 0 axis along x.

The only difference in these simulations is the capillariy pressure, which has been rescaled by a constant factor each time.

So, my question concerns the behaviour at inlet:

1) why increasing Pc the values of saturation is not conserved (more or less) and is "dissipated"? (Even if the solutions are not at the same time, the fact remains)

2) there could be a way to fix it?

3) Can you induce something about the origin of those oscillations? This is not an issue, since I solve it just by reducing the CFL.

Thank you,

Kind regards,

Lorenzo Campoli

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