Some time ago I mentioned on this list that in our office we hade created a 
perl parser and gtk+ app to visualize typetags and properties for example 
problems. That version worked for DuMuX release 2.12. And now it works with 
both release 2.12 and 3.0.

Basically the perl parser creates an XML structure with a structural 
representation of typetags and properties. This is a standalone command line 
script. The output in XML can easily be translated to a html format for viewing 
in any browser. Nonetheless, we have found it easier to create a simple gtk+ 
app to show the tree structure and allow navigating into any of the files. 

The gtk+ app ( has also been updated so that it is now possible to 
generate the xml document directly from the app. Screenshots are referred in my 
previous post. shows a treeview with three main branches:
1- Files: Here we can find the structure in which the compiler will include 
files. Drag and drop is enabled so that any row can be dragged to an editor 
(gvim, for example) and the corresponding file will be opened.
2- Properties: Here we can find a list of all properties which have been found 
in the above include files. Expanding each property row will show the value of 
the property and the file:line_number in which it was defined. Drag an drop is 
enabled as above.
3- TypeTags: Here we can find a list of all the typetags (structures in 
Dumux::Properties::TTag) which were found. Icons decorating the typetag 
indicate the main problem typetag and how "close" they are. On expanding any 
typetag, we can see the properties which are defined in the typetag. The 
property line has the same format as in (2). This allows us to filter out all 
the defined properties which do not have effect on the problem being viewed.

The current "stable" version of the parser ( and, along 
with an associated Makefile can be downloaded from

The "unstable" version where I test changes is also at github, but as part of 
the xffm file/terminal manager, at and that is where log 
data can be viewed if this is of any interest. In this development tree you can 
find the CMakeLists.txt we actually use to build and install the app and parser.

As usual, the code is GNU-3.0 license, hoping that it will be of use to others 
as it has been of use to us, but with no warranty nor suitability of use.

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