Dear Vuong,

it looks like you ran cmake in the source directory. You have to run „make 
executable“ in the _build_ directory. Per default dumux/build-cmake/…


> 18. nov. 2021 kl. 08:19 skrev Kilian Weishaupt 
> <>:
> Dear Vuong Van,
> did you modify anything in your CMakeLists.txt file? You said the test ran 
> successfully so the executable in 
> dumux/dumux/build-cmake/test/porousmediumflow/1p" was build successfully?
> Best wishes
> Kilian
> On 18.11.21 07:53, Pham, Vuong Van wrote:
>> Dear Kilian,
>> Still following the Cmake command (i.e., make name_of_executable), I 
>> attempted to do so in the Ubuntu command window, however I received this 
>> error as attached:
>> <image001.png>
>> The picture indicated that for some reasons the command 
>> “dune_symlink_to_source_files” is unknown to Cmake. Besides, what I observed 
>> was that, the commands that are relevant to DUNE, somehow are unknown by 
>> Cmake and cause incomplete configuration. Please assist me on this error.
>> Best regards,
>> Vuong Van Pham
>> Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
>> Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (CPE), University of Kansas
>> Email:
>> Phone: +1-(785)-979-2664
>> From: Kilian Weishaupt <> 
>> Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 12:42 AM
>> To: Pham, Vuong Van <>
>> Cc: DuMux User Mailing List <>
>> Subject: Re: [DuMux] (no subject)
>> Dear Vuong Van,
>> I'm glad the installation worked now.
>> 1.)
>> CMakeLists.txt is a configuration file read by CMake, a build system 
>> generator. If configured correctly,
>> you compile your source code just by calling
>> make name_of_the_executable
>> If you make any changes to CMakeLists.txt, a simple
>> make
>> will update the build configuration.
>> Have a look at the tests or at our course exercises here 
>>  to get more information
>> on how to properly use CMakeLists.txt
>> 2.) You may either just use a simple text editor such as Atom or notepad++ 
>> or you can try setting up VS Code (an IDE) which however, is a little bit 
>> more involved to configure. Note that you can either edit your files under 
>> Windows (as shown in the windows explorer) or using the Ubuntu subsytem. 
>> Whatever works better for you.
>> See Point 3 in our wiki on how to get VS Code 
>> PS: Please always respond to the mailing list 
>> (, I also forgot to do that in my first mail) 
>> such that others can profit from our discussion, too.
>> Best wishes
>> Kilian
>> On 17.11.21 20:56, Pham, Vuong Van wrote:
>> Dear Kilian,
>> I am glad to receive your swift response. Following the use of DuMuX (at 
>> this point I installed all folders and ran the test successfully), I have 
>> the concerns listed as below:
>> 1.      The core structure of a “DuMux” job contains files as the attached 
>> figure. I believe that I have to compile the “CMakeLists.txt” using CMake 
>> prior to any further execution. May you assist me how to compile such that 
>> “CMakeLists.txt” properly?
>> <image002.png>
>> 2.      By far, I only know how to modify contents in a file (within Ubuntu 
>> subsystem) using Vim editor. However, I may need either Python/C++ later to 
>> modify such files. May you suggest me an IDE to use with C++ in Ubuntu 
>> subsystem?
>> I hope that my concerns are appropriate.
>> Best regards,
>> Vuong Van Pham
>> Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
>> Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (CPE), University of Kansas
>> Email:
>> Phone: +1-(785)-979-2664
>> From: Kilian Weishaupt <> 
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 10:28 AM
>> To: Pham, Vuong Van <>
>> Subject: Re: [DuMux] (no subject)
>> Dear Vuong Van,
>> we recently updated our wiki for installing Dumux under Windows 10.
>> There seems to be an issue with git clone which can be fixed as described in 
>> the wiki.
>> Best wishes
>> Kilian
>> On 12.11.21 01:39, Pham, Vuong Van wrote:
>> To the DuMux development team,
>> My name is VUONG VAN PHAM and I am an interested DuMux user for my research 
>> purpose. When I was tempted to install the simulator using, 
>> the installation was paused and the .log file is attached.
>> Please assist me on how to install DuMux correctly. Also please note that I 
>> was tempted to install in ubuntu subsystem within Windows 10 (I do not know 
>> whether that impacts the installation process, however, I inform that fact 
>> just in case).
>> Best regards,
>> Vuong Van Pham
>> Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
>> Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (CPE), University of Kansas
>> Email:
>> Phone: +1-(785)-979-2664
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>> -- 
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> Kilian Weishaupt
>> Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung (IWS)
>> Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung
>> Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart
>> Email:
>> Telefon: 0049 711 685-60461 ** fax: 0049-711-685-60430
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> -- 
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> Kilian Weishaupt
>> Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung (IWS)
>> Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung
>> Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart
>> Email:
>> Telefon: 0049 711 685-60461 ** fax: 0049-711-685-60430
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> -- 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Kilian Weishaupt
> Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung (IWS)
> Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung
> Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart
> Email:
> Telefon: 0049 711 685-60461 ** fax: 0049-711-685-60430
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