On Jun 8, 2004, at 9:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This evening, coming down with a cold and more tired than usual from leaving
the office, i dropped my beloved 2400. It was in a not-as-padded-as-it-could
be computer briefcase, and hit the hard floor hard....

I immediately took it out of the case, powered it up, and it was fine. It was
fine when I powered it up at home. And then..... it went quiet and dark. What
should I do next? How serious is this? Can this be fixed? Will it/ can it be
as good as new again or should I now expect assorted problems?

Seriously, no way of knowing without specifics. You tell a lovely little story, nice touch about the cold, but exactly HOW did it go "quiet and dark?" Does it boot up? Is the case cracked? Where? Can you feed external video to another monitor to eliminate the LCD? Can you access anything via SCSI Disk Mode or Ethernet?

Besides, if your Mac repair guy is any good, it should make no difference whether you let him or MCE fix it.

One possibility (of a gazillion): you cracked one or more PCB's, or unseated the power or CPU cards. The hard drive might have gone paws up. Too hard to diagnose without details. But I'll still give you $50 for it. ;-)


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