On Jun 13, 2004, at 6:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I did a fresh install of 9.1 on one of the two partitions on my hard drive and installed the Megahertz Ethernet.Modem Powerbook 2400/3400 Update. The Ethernet combi card now correctly appears on the desktop. That's the good news, the bad is that, though Apple Enet is listed among the extensions in the Extensions manager, I neither see it amongst the control panels nor does it appear as an option in the TCP/IP control panel. Needless to say that I can't make contact with the network......

Any suggestions????

Try trashing all your network prefs, like TCP/IP prefs and Appletalk prefs. If this doesn't work, I suggest you reload the OS and do a custom install, selecting to install only the network components.


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