
I am puzzling over your vector types proposal as well as the Tye proposal
you cite. My impression is that they are hard to distinguish.
The Tye proposal turns CPU vector types into base types while your proposal
keeps them distinct, but then you add this additional class of types to the
base types of operands in all of the types where it matters, in particular
DW_OP_regval_type, DW_OP_deref_type and DW_OP_xderef_type. In both cases
you end up being able to push and pop complete register contents to/from
the DWARF stack. You mention a possible maximum size of 2048 bytes
*currently*, but that seems likely to continue to grow over time.

Is it really important to have all of the vector register contents on the
DWARF stack at one time? What can be done to operate on such
a stack value? Seems like there needs to be at least a way to
DW_OP_reinterpret such a value to/from a sequence of values of the element
type on the stack. (If nothing else, what is the corresponding element
order? IE, does the DEBUG stack grow up or down?😊)

What if we start with the proposal where CPU vector types are not base
types, then instead add operators such as DW_OP_regval_idx_type,
DW_OP_deref_idx_type and DW_OP_xderef_idx_type, each of which adds one
additional parameter, an index, to push or pop a single element of the
vector array. Then a debugger can treat such arrays like all other arrays;
operations generally iterate over the elements in the obvious way.

Among other things, this alternative seems like it would have few if any
problems with SVE or RVV.

At a higher level of discourse, I think it would be unusual for a source
program vector (one-dimensional array) to ever be directly allocated in a
vector register and spend its entire lifetime there, right? Thus, these CPU
vector types should generally also have a DW_AT_artificial attribute, I
think. They might not even have a name but if they did it would be some
kind of pseudo-name (VR@@1 or whatever). Is it expected that users will
need to name these registers directly as part of debugging or is the goal
to make the compiled code use of vector registers as transparent as its use
of general registers?

As I say, I am just puzzling...


On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 2:20 PM Ben Woodard via Dwarf-discuss <> wrote:

> I was working on this before the change of administration.
> Vector types have been around for a very long time and compilers use them
> but are not handled in the DWARF standard right on DWARF5. I think that
> this was basically something that was overlooked and no one filed an issue
> to get it addressed in the standard.
> There are two different proposals about how to handle them and I believe
> that the committee should discuss the two options and then decide a course
> of action.
> At the bottom of this email is my proposal. I will admit that in its
> current state it is a work in progress. My original intent was to simply
> codify the existing behavior as implemented by GCC and LLVM (and probably
> other compilers) moving it from a vendor attribute to something that was in
> the standard. However, at the time I was working with Tony Tye and the
> people at AMD on one of their proposals toto better support GPUs and this
> involved a lot of work on the DWARF stack and the operations done within
> them. This led me to realize a problem with my initial proposal and that
> was that it didn't consider the impacts on the DWARF stack operations. I
> reworked my proposal to include changes in that area of the standard.
> Essentially it adds language to all operations that were limited to a base
> type now would also work on a vector type of a base type. Tony raised an
> objection to this and argued that handling vector types on the DWARF stack
> was not necessary. I have not put in the time to really come up with a
> counter example to that assertion. He may be correct. I'm personally not
> sure. No current compiler that I am aware of actually generates DWARF that
> makes use of the DWARF stack with vector types. My intuition is that there
> may be a case related to scatter gather where it could be useful to make
> use vector registers on the DWARF stack.
> Tony Tye has a different proposal.
> His proposal basically amounts to make vector types base types. I can't
> say that I disagree with that overall approach. My concerns are:
>    1. It breaks with existing behavior.
>    2. It would greatly increase the number of base types for a platform.
>    I think that it would be the combinatorial expansion of all the available
>    encodings and the architecture's available vector lengths.
>    3. There is an interaction between the Platform Specific ABI and the
>    base types for an architecture. I'm not sure but I think that the PS ABI
>    for the various architectures might need revision given this change. Given
>    how many architectures there are
>    4. It would immediately allow the large vector registers on the DWARF
>    stack and I fear that some DWARF stack implementations which are currently
>    based on a platform's size of an INT would break. Some architecture's
>    vector registers could be as large as 2048b.
>    5. I don't know how it will deal with hardware implementation variable
>    vector lengths like ARM's SVE or RISC-V RVV. Just for reference for people
>    who may not know this is a quick intro to SVE
> Anyway, my biggest concern is that in the DWARF6 process vector register
> types get standardized. In general I have come to respect Tony as a very
> thoughtful architect, so I would not be upset if his proposal were accepted
> over mine. I would just like to make sure that the concerns that I've
> pointed out above are considered.
> ----------------------------------
> Vector registers
> It has been the long standing existing practice to treat hardware
> vector registers as arrays of a fundamental base type. To deliniate
> these hardware register arrays from arrays in the language source they
> have been given the DW_AT_GNU_vector attribute. This proposal simply
> standardizes the existing behavior.
> In Section 2.2 Attribute Types, DW_AT_vector and
> DW_AT_variable_vector_width shall be added to Table 2.2
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     DW_AT_vector                | A hardware vector register
>     DW_AT_variable_vector_width | Array bound for hardware
>                                 | implementation defined vector register
>                                 | width
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The hyperlink in the "Identifies or Specifies" column shall point to
> the paragraph added to Section 5.5 below for DW_AT_vector and the
> paragraph added to Section 5.13 below for
> DW_AT_variable_vector_width.
> In Section Register values replace the description of
> DW_OP_regval_type with the following:
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     The DW_OP_regval_type operation provides the contents of a given
>     register interpreted as a value of a given type. The first operand
>     is an unsigned LEB128 number, which identifies a register whose
>     contents is to be pushed onto the stack. The second operand is an
>     unsigned LEB128 number that represents the offset of a debugging
>     information entry in the current compilation unit, which must be a
>     DW_TAG_base_type entry that provides the type of the value
>     contained in the specified register or it must be an
>     DW_TAG_array_type with a DW_AT_vector attribute.
>     [non-normative] A DW_TAG_array_type with a DW_AT_vector attribute
>     is the way that a vector register is specified and can be
>     considered a base type for the architecture.
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
> In Section Stack Operations replace the description of
> DW_OP_deref_type with the following:
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     The DW_OP_deref_type operation behaves like the DW_OP_deref_size
>     operation: it pops the top stack entry and treats it as an
>     address. The popped value must have an integral type. The value
>     retrieved from that address is pushed together with a type
>     identifier. In the DW_OP_deref_type operation, the size in bytes
>     of the data retrieved from the dereferenced address is specified
>     by the first operand. This operand is a 1-byte unsigned integral
>     constant whose value which is the same as the size of the type
>     referenced by the second operand. The second operand is an
>     unsigned LEB128 integer that represents the offset of a debugging
>     information entry in the current compilation unit that provides
>     the type of the data pushed. This entry must be either a
>     DW_TAG_base_type entry or a DW_TAG_array_type entry with a
>     DW_AT_vector attribute.
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Replace the description of DW_OP_xderef_type with the following:
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     The DW_OP_xderef_type operation behaves like the DW_OP_xderef_size
>     operation: it pops the top two stack entries, treats them as an
>     address and an address space identifier, and pushes the value
>     retrieved. In the DW_OP_xderef_type operation, the size in bytes
>     of the data retrieved from the dereferenced address is specified
>     by the first operand. This operand is a 1-byte unsigned integral
>     constant whose value value is the same as the size of the type
>     referenced by the second operand. The second operand is an
>     unsigned LEB128 integer that represents the offset of a debugging
>     information entry in the current compilation unit that provides
>     the type of the data pushed. This entry must be a DW_TAG_base_type
>     entry or a DW_TAG_array_type entry with a DW_AT_vector attribute.
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
> In Section 5.5 Array Type Entries, replace first paragraph of
> non-normative text with:
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     [non-normative] Many languages share the concept of an “array,”
>     which is a table of components of identical type. Furthermore,
>     many architectures contain vector registers which mirror the
>     language concept of an array.
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Insert the following paragraph between the first paragraph of
> normative text describing DW_TAG_array_type and the second paragraph
> dealing with multidimensional ordering.
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     An array type that refers to a hardware vector register, shall be
>     denoted with DW_AT_vector. The the width of the register shall be
>     specified as an array dimension and the type contained within the
>     register must be a DW_TAG_base_type entry.
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
> In Section 5.13 Subrange Type Entries insert the following paragraph
> between the paragraph defining DW_AT_threads_scaled and the one
> defining DW_AT_lower_bound and DW_AT_upper_bound.
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     The subrange entry may have a DW_AT_variable_vector_width
>     attribute, which is a flag. If present, this attriburte indicates
>     that the width of a vector is defined by the hardware
>     implementation of the target. The actual width of the vector
>     registers can be determined at runtime but is unknown at compile
>     time.
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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