The closest thing I've found is dock box (
which was buggy and not well documented (the documentation said that alt was
the meta key when the windows key was actually the meta key).  Some of the
software I was using wasn't that compatible with it either, in particular
some software that has child windows outside of the parent window (that
can't be resized).

That said, it did mostly work and it might work better for you.

-Niki Yoshiuchi

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Anselm R Garbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/11/18  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > About an year ago there was a thread regarding a port of dwm to win32,
> > but it has only been said, that some initial code was written. I did not
> > find any code in the repository or elsewhere something about d4w; is
> > there anything usable at the moment?
> No, this project has been cancelled. I remember some links of two
> other projects, one commercial one which aimed something similiar like
> dwm on win32. But all projects I tried were disappointing and my own
> attempts were embarrassing as well unfortunately. I'd rather wait for
> Windows 7 to give it a retry at some point...
> I ended up using dwm on Cygwin/X instead -- in root mode.
> > In the meantime I rewrote dwm 5.2 as an AutoHotkey script. As it is a
> > script it is more a rapid prototype than a sophisticated and speedy
> > window management solution. It is no shell replacement, just
> > administrating windows and resizing and moving them around. If you are
> > interested, take a look at .
> > If there
> > is already a usable port of dwm, I would be glad to a wink at it.
> I will give your script a try soon.
> Kind regards,
> --Anselm

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