Am Tue, 18 Nov 2008 19:35:36 +0000
schrieb "Anselm R Garbe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> No, this project has been cancelled. I remember some links of two
> other projects, one commercial one which aimed something similiar like
> dwm on win32. But all projects I tried were disappointing

Yes, I at least found:
# WindowSizer (shareware, closed source)
# WinSplit (freeware, closed source)
# DockBox (NOW GPL)
# GridMove (donationware, not closed source) - Actually GridMove was the
inspiration for bug.n.
But as you stated before, all those projects were not satisfying the
needs of dynamic window management; thus I looked for an open source
project, which I possibly could adapt. Now (since 20080910) DockBox - or
maybe even better: HashTWM (same author) - is under GPL, so I will take
a closer look.

> and my own attempts were embarrassing as well unfortunately. I'd
> rather wait for Windows 7 to give it a retry at some point...

Are you wainting for a stabilized API (since GINA already has gone in
Vista)? Are you still heading for a shell replacement?

Kind regards, joten

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