On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, k1my wrote:

> I recently gave a presentation on beginning DXing at our Arizona State
> Convention. At the end of the presentation several newbie's approached me
> and ask for my recommendation as to a beginning DXer station. These are
> brand new hams who really don't know anything about DXing.
> What are your thoughts for:
> * an "economical" station (xcvr, antenna, etc), probably a used xcvr, but
> which one?

I have been a ham for 35 years but I just got bitten by the DX bug in late
1992.  My rig then was an FT101E. Cost me $200.  I used a low sloping 40
meter dipole (high end ~30 feet up fastened to a pole on my roof, low end
~5 feet up). I used a tuner to tune it to the other bands.  I worked my
first ~150 countries with that rig! Even busted the pileups on C91J,
3Y0PI, 9G1AA, AH1A etc. with it.

> * a "best value" station for someone with a little more money

The second rig I purchased was a TS-440S (no built-in tuner).  It was
$500.  I put up a vertical full-wave loop (actually two full-wave turns)  
strecthed between two 20 ft 2X4's in the yard.  The loop is 12 ft high, 56
ft long and the bottom wires are ~4 ft off the ground.  Very low-profile.
I put up a few dipoles strung between the pole on the house and the loop
supports. I've worked another 150 countries or so with that.

I just recently got a TS-850SAT.  Wonderful rig.  I still have the same
antennas.  I have never used one, but I understand the Elecraft K2 is an
excellent performer and is relatively inexpensive. It's becoming popular
as a contesting rig. They have a model now that puts out 100 watts.

> Remember that we don't have a heck of a lot of trees out here for dipoles or
> wire antennas.

At least you don't live in Notrees, Texas!  :-)

> Suggestions would be appreciated and I'll incorporate them into my
> presentation for the next time.
> 73, Bruce, K1MY/7
> Sun Lakes, Arizona

73, Zack W9SZ

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