1.  There are a number of good rigs out there for a reasonable 
price.  Complete FT101ZD stations, FT 9Ø2DM stations and similiar DX and 
DXpedition proven rigs can be gotten for under $500.00.

     IC-735 with P.S. can be bought for under $500.00.  Drake TR-7 series 
rigs can be bought at a slightly higher price.

   Parts and service are still available for most of the oldies...If not 
from the manufacturer, but from experienced technicians.

   None of the above have built-in ATUs...So resonant antennas are are a must.

2.  Antennas-
      Verticals seem to be the best bet for those who can't use wire 
antennas.  In most cases, a good ground systems is a must...This may 
require a great deal of work in some parts of this great land.
       Butternut HF9V would be a good choice for the serious amateur...But 
requires ground radials.  Ground mounting (no more than 7") is advised.

       Next choice would be the Cushcraft line which seems to work "OK" but 
does not like to be mounted more than 16-20' above the ground.

       The Gap antennas are used by some...But, just too many parts and 
thing can go wrong.  A real "Rube Goldberg" antenna.

       MFJ verticals.  Power limitations and another "Rube Goldberg."

Wire Antennas- various masts , metal and fiber glass, can be purchased at 
military surplus houses.  Inverted V and dipoles can be erected.


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