Whoa.  That's a strong statement.

Why should the H8A group be disqualifed from the contest?  Who's fault is it
that they were issued an improper callsign (if indeed it was improper)?

I am really bothered, in principle, over these recent claims that the H8A
team acted "unethically" in obtaining a short call.  Does this imply that
they next time a group goes down to, say, Turks & Caicos, and operates as
VP5/WX3XYZ, VP5/WX3XYY, VP5/WX3XYX, etc. before & after, but VP5X during the
contest, they should be disqualifed because they have a "shorter" call for
the contest?  (Can't have it both ways -- if you are going to do it to one,
you've got to do it to all!)

It's one thing for the group to ask for a 1x1.  If it's an improper request,
then it should be declined by the appropriate licensing authority.  If,
however, someone in the licensing authority issues the license and grants
the call, and they do not follow their own internal rules in doing so, that
seems hardly the fault of the group asking for the call.

I will not argue with the Panamanian amateurs as to whether or not the
issuance of H8A was proper and done with accordance of their internal
regulations.  They know their rules, I don't.  I will accept the
explanations I have gotten that the H8A should not have been issued, that is
most likely should have been H81A (which is still a short call that stands
out in a contest -- is that any less "ethical" than H8A is?).  But -- it was
issued.  So, if someone in the licensing authority erred, they have a
legitimate issue to take up with the licensing authority.  Dumping nasty
insinuations and slander on the H8A operators, to say nothing of the jamming
and interference I heard at times during the operation, is not a legitmate
way to address the problem.

Having a short call in a contest is hardly "unethical" and I don't believe
that the H8A team should be automatically disqualified just because they had
it.  And besides... didn't the call get rescinded prior to the contest
anyway?  So if that is true, and they didn't operate with that call, what
did they do DURING THE CONTEST that was "unethical"?

73, ron wn3vaw

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which is just as good as money!"
Yogi Berra, AFLAC Commercial, 2002

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] H8A

On 2 Oct 2002 at 17:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Ron:
> Just to clear things. The callsign H8A was used without the legal
> authorizations and in violations of the laws of the Republic of Panama.
> But
> there is more: it is an incorrect callsign, according to the panamanian
> laws, as it should have included the number corresponding to the calling
> zone. That is: H8 is one of the international prefix asigned to the
> Republic
> of Panama by ITU, and Contadora island is located in Panama's #1 calling
> zone.

One would hope that they are disqualified from the contest. It will be
interesting to see.

  _    _    _    _    _
 / \  / \  / \  / \  / \ John L. Sielke
( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N ) http://www.w2agn.net
 \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/ QRPARCI, NJQRP, ARQrp,GQRP,RSGB

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