During the CY0MM DXpedition, there was a little flap here 'n' there about
the "Sugar Delta" web pages of the so-called "freebanders."

Many were unhappy with any potential illegal operation that could impact on
amateur radio, which is to be expected.  Some of the comments made got,
well, rather heated (whether justified or not being another matter).

Well, I went over to the SD web page today out of curiousity (I was
wondering if the Sable Island page that disappeared almost immediately after
the word got out about it was back), and discovered this little survey

"Do you think 11m groups must be united to fight against last problems with
64% voted yes, 18% no, 12% "it will not be useful," 4 % "I don't know."

Granted, there were only 74 votes to date, and there's no indication of how
long the poll has been there.  But it would appear that our noticing them
has also resulted in them noticing us.  Not that I think we have that much
to worry about, but there's something about information (true false or
misleading) posted on web pages that some give undue credibility to.

The "SD Webmaster" also posted this reply to a comment... take it for what
it's worth:
"Yes, of course Friendship is very important in radio in your live... but
when in the future you will do a dxpedition to a Most Wanted and this will
be destroy and denounced by HAM's you will think the same??

We have in the last months more than 8 dxpedition denounced by the HAM's, so
is this friendship?

Good luck and I hope that you never have any problem with the Hams

73, ron wn3vaw

"New Jersey - the most American of all states.  It has everything from
wilderness to the Mafia.  All the great things and all the worst, for
example, Route 22."
Jean Shepherd K2ORS (SK), Newark Sunday News, 11 January 1970

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