I also found them to be more difficult to work than I would have expected. Like others have said, when they were loudest here on 160m and 40m, they¨were calling "CQ JA" ...very frustrating. I understood the emphasis on Europe.
The only occation we noticed any emphasis on Europe was a window of abt 1 ˝ hour on 80 m. Of course Madam Aurora did not help us !!! On the OH2AQ cluster were postings saying " now EU " but up in Scandinavia nothing was heard !!! So, there is Europe and Northern Europe ! hi 73 Rag Otterstad LA5HE also JW5HE OZ8RO located in Telemark - home of skiing. My antenna "farm" can be found on HTTP://no.photos.yahoo.com/la5he when you click on Radio. Take a look at: http://WWW.visitTelemark.com or http://www.visitnorway.com Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-chat To post a message, DX related items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org