You seem to be inferring that building/obtaining a super station is NOT hard
work.  I am not 'blessed' with a super station, I obtained it with a lot of
hard work.  I design and build my own antennas, top loaded ground plane on
160m, 4sqs on 80m & 40m, long boom yagi's on 20, 15 & 10.  All built with
material that was discarded by other hams.  I transported and erected my
towers by myself using knowledge that I gained from helping others.  I
repair my own equipment and if/when it does not operate to my expectations I
modify it.

A couple of my friends have what I call super stations and they work hard at
it too.  We have found that these antennas and towers do not continue to
function without assistance.  And maintaining the rest of the station
equipment is an ongoing issue also.  We do not go into the local goody
store, plunk down $10K to $1M, wait a couple of weeks and walk into a
functioning super station.

If you have only one radio and you admire the super station that has two,
just remember that it requires twice as much work for him to get and keep
the two radios as it is for your one.  Same with antennas.  If you are
working with one tribander, the ham with 3 monobanders expends 3 times as
much effort, etc.

Yes, I am on the honor roll, and it WAS done by hard work.

de Paul, W8AEF


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John and Mari Minke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

> All this all-time DXCC listings (deleted and "gone forever") has
> created much discussion. I made a comment with that honor to senior
> DXers, but this could apply to all.
> Many DXers work hard to work a new one. They are not blessed with
> super stations with super antennas. And, many do not use the aid
> of computer programs that do everything but activate your
> transmitter.
> So, if a country was deleted at least all their effort was for
> nothing. But, with the present DXCC standards it is just that. So,
> the guy who has everything won't miss it.
> There was a comment regarding DXCC listings with both all-time and
> current shown. Does it matter? My listing is high but it doesn't
> include that little asterisk like everyone else at my level. I
> know my current level. And, anyone else who looks at the listing
> will know that N6JM ain't honor roll. But, so what. When I finally
> get around to making the honor roll it will be without the aid of
> a super station and/or super antenna. Hard work!
> 73 de John N6JM

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