Harry some people never seem to "get it"! Who hasn't made a keying
mistake? Who hasn't been able to copy every letter of the "roadrunner" cw
op??  I never had received a QLF until I went on a DXpedition. (of all

I was on Sable Island back in 1996 (CYØAA), was on 40 meters at about 3-4
AM running a pileup.  I had a total of  maybe 2-3 hours of sleep that day
(and from days before) and was literally falling asleep sitting up!!! I
went QRZ....and proceeded to nod off again.  My eye-hand coordination
wasn't there.  The keyer was sending one thing, I was thinking another. 
I even slowed it down, and still couldn't function, but was willing to
keep trying. I ran several hundred guys that night on 40, but everyone
that didn't work me that night can thank the one guy that sent QLF?
several times.....the pile up was still thick , but I'd had enough.  I
went to bed......

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones......

73 all...

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