Dave G0OIL wrote:

As Ron correctly says "Hey folks, it's just DX" - why are ARRL so anal
about all this permission stuff.  Weren't 7O1YGF THERE?  Wasn't
VU4/VU2JPS THERE?  Weren't 7O1A THERE?  What bloody difference does a
scrap of paper from some little power crazed jerk in a peaked cap make?

I remember a statement of the 7O1A crew, that they had at hand a permission
of the Aden office of the Ministry of Communcations and that this paper has
also been presented at Newington. The permission has been revoked by a guy
at the headquarters of the Ministry of Communications in Sanaa weeks after
the operation. Btw...that shows, how weak governmental structures are in that kind of countries.

In summer '04 the ARRL announced, that for Somalia written permissions are
accepted "from any recognized authority that is acknowledged to be in
control of a particular region". Authority acknowledged by whom?
Particular regions of Somalia have declared their autonomy or independence,
but as the CIA World Factbook states, these regions are not recognized by
any government. I read, that permissions issued by a development aid
volunteer from Australia should be valid for 6O (is that really true?).

7O1A was there and during the operation, they apparently had a written permission. 7O1YGF was there, they had no paper. Both have not been accepted. Ed was in P5, he also had no paper. His operation was accepted. Nowadays for 6O a kind of "wildcard-solution" is used.

I agree with Dave: What difference do such scraps of paper make? It is about time for the league to review some of their decisions...

Georg, DL5NO

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