Yes, this issue is a real problem for the DX community-- prior approval of a proposed DXpedition-- and for the DXCC desk at ARRL.

A proposed DXpedition to a very difficult (but do-able) entity (no government there [Somalia], or conflicting government agencies [XW] or less trusted situation [VU4], or whatever) needs prior approval to justify the preparation efforts.

But, ARRL seems to argue (with some justification) that it needs to see not only written documentation from the "correct" official, but also wants the DXpedition to actually happen before giving any opinion about the potential validity of the DXpedition proposed. This position must have kept a number of good DXpeditions from happening and certainly provided lots of worry and lack of early support for others.

I think ARRL's "standards" are too restrictive and too open to individual interpretation. I suggest a standard that says "if the DXpedition went to the entiry openly (not in secret) and has proof of its presence, and if the group of operators are (a) not arrested and/or (b) not chased out by any kind of authorities (a Carib island?), then the operation is approved."

We are a hobby, not the U.N.

PS: the DXCC official making a decision of DXpedition approval should NEVER also be going to operate, too. Simple appearance of conflict of interest is no good, of course. 73

Charles Harpole

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