I never tried to get a card from Frank becaue I already have that one 
confirmed many times.  

There have been several contest operations from there, one even by some of 
our local Society of Midwest Contesters gang.  I'll bet there are more in 
the future.  I know the W9's who went there are good QSL'ers.  Keep your 
eyes open for other operations from there.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, Art RX9TX wrote:

>  Hello DX-chat,
>   Gents,  what one should do to get a card from V51AS? Looks like this
>   guy  believes  2  USD  is  not  enough  for him, so my second direct
>   request is unanswered. Nayone had luck with him lately?

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