At 18:07 04/19/06, Tom Wylie wrote:

Well, now you know what its like for us guys to work Kure or Kermadec or Banaba.

Was Kure really that difficult for west-coast of Europe? Looks like 40, 30 and 20 had decent propagation (at least according to the software). From ZL8 to GM, yeah, using today's propagation numbers (SFI=75, K=2), it's pretty decent below 17 to Kermadec, and Banaba's prediction is pretty decent, too. All three are orders of magnitude better than the predictions to the Andamans from the east coast and middle of of NA.

That said, though, of course there are regions of the world that are extremely difficult from everywhere. For us, anything in SE Asia is a chore and a half.

Try living at 56 degrees north! - now thats a challenge! Like half way up Hudson's bay or south Alaska!

Yeah, I can imagine what it must be like from those latitudes. It's bad enough in W2...we see spots originating from W4's in FL and along the gulf coast spotted as "loud, easy" and not a whisper up just a thousand miles up the coast at 40 degrees North.

- Peter


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