Be glad it´s only 56 degs, I´m at 66 degs and I´ll
tell you it´s no kids game.
However VU4 is easy from here, even so I had to spend
45 minutes calling a VU4 on 30m before I got him, go
figure why since my antenna on 30 is decent and I tried
every trick in the book.

73 Jim SM2EKM

Try living at 56 degrees north! - now thats a challenge! Like half way up Hudson's bay or south Alaska!

Yeah, I can imagine what it must be like from those latitudes. It's bad enough in W2...we see spots originating from W4's in FL and along the gulf coast spotted as "loud, easy" and not a whisper up just a thousand miles up the coast at 40 degrees North.

- Peter


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