Shhhhh! Don't tell them how to do it!  We don't want the Italians finding out :-)
Dave G0OIL

----- Original Message ----
From: Jim Abercrombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: dx chat <>
Sent: Tuesday, 1 August, 2006 9:50:47 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Cry-Babies

I've been reading this thread about the operation of KH8SI and all I've got to say is instead of being a cry-baby, you should sharpen your DX skills. I've had no problem working them 5 times on 3 bands-all SSB.
What I've noticed is callers parking on one frequency and calling over and over even while he is working somebody.  I've got news for you- he's not listening on your frequency.  What you need to do is listen up the band and try to find the frequency where is is answering callers. Park your VFO there and call him there.  He usually will answer all he can hear on that frequency until he can no longer hear anyone there. I don't care if he said 200 to 220, He will find someone and park there on that frequency.  There are some operators that move the QSX frequency after each contact, but if you listen, you will find his pattern and can anticipate where you need to call him.  The secret to working DX is listen more and call less  I give you the example of Martti Lane, His usual method of operation is to work the pile-up on one frequency while all the un-initiated are calling blindly.
I can say this with authority because I am at the top of the honor roll on both mixed and phone.  I don't have a huge station: an AL-80B and a 5-band two-element cubical quad up 65 feet. I worked all my dx using the skills mentioned above.  Working the Swains Island on 17 meters yesterday was like shooting fish in a barrel.  I got 'em with one call with 100 watts.
You guys complaining about propagation need to realize every area of the earth has good propagation at certain times. I am recalling someone said here the South East has better propagation than the 1,2's, and 3's.. They have better propagation to the four oscar than I do, but I worked him even with 100 watts.  So grow up and qwitcherbelliachin'.
Jim N4JA

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