Great ideas except for number 2.
A single, 1, then 2, then 3, etc. would just be more frustrating. If you don't get through on that one call, then you must wait through nine more qso's before calling again. I would prefer to wait for the 3's, then get a number of tries at it.

73, Tim - N3XX

----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 4:54 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

The answer to this question is MAKE BETTER DXPEDITION OPERATORS.....

The main reason ordinarily placid people become "caller mad men" is simple.... FRUSTRATION !

How to reduce frustration?

1. The DX op must be a general, establish a calling pattern and never never vary.

2. The DX op should call by numbers in this way.... call one one and then one two and then one three, and so on. This method has many benefits the largest of which is it reduces the FRUSTRATION level of the callers.... 90% of the bad callers are just regular people who have been driven temporarily crazy by a bad DX operator's methods. The other 10% are just crazy, probably at birth.
Results of "call by numbers" are:

-Makes absolutely clear when one should call.... no ambiguity which leads to FRUSTRATION. -Allows callers to break away from the rig for a few minutes to get coffee or something without losing any calling time. A break reduces FRUSTRATION. -This method eliminates the gripes that "he is favoring JA or he is only working the East Coast when my area is really in the best propagation now." All "ones" are equal this way yielding lowered FRUSTRATION. -The DX op can slightly vary from this pattern if there are vastly more of one number than all others.

3. DX op must establish a reasonable split (10 kc?) and must MOVE FREQ AFTER EVERY QSO and move in the same direction. This is a pain for the DX op, but it REDUCES FRUSTRATION because callers can select a freq and STAY THERE instead of doing the guessing game and moving around a lot. This eliminates tail-enders --which, when taken, increases other callers' FRUSTRATION. It also eliminates the extra deep pile on the freq. where a good QSO was just completed. (The time lost in moving freq. is made up by a more orderly pile up.)

4. The DX op should give QSL info and state his op method every half hour. Anyone can wait a half hour and knowing the info is on sked reduces FRUSTRATION.

5. The DX op must NEVER call a partial and then go back to someone else with none of the first letters nor numbers.... Bad Example is "QRZ the W3" and then.... "G7XXX ur 59" . The op must stick with his "partial" forever if it takes that, otherwise there is no reason to stand by if the DX is just going to take anyone regardless of his "directed QRZ."

6 and a pet complaint.... do not claim u r at a DX location "to do propagation experiments" and then send only 5-9 sig reports. Oh, well.

Hams who live near frequent offenders must take it on themselves to take the bad guy to lunch (ideally in a group) and gently get to the point of his bad ops. Suggest alternatives, be helpful, but pass the message that we hear u and do not like it.... IN PERSON.


Charles Harpole, HS0ZCW

Charles Harpole

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