At 09:59 PM 08/24/2006, Charles Harpole wrote:
Ron, ur answer does not address my list of reasons why DX does not use lbotw... re:

No computer... that does it... end of story which u acknowledged, but
-long upload times and expense... no answer

Long upload times? Are you joking? Even on a 14.4 or 28.8 modem transfer times for an incremental LoTW file would be a few seconds to one minute. I'm looking here at my last 10 uploads. The smallest was 2KB, the largest was 39KB. After a contest or large run it MAY be 100k. Upload once a week and costs couldn't be more than a few pennies. Surely it takes longer for a heavily-graphics-laden Web page to load than it does to E-MAIL ONE ATTACHMENT UNDER 100KB!

-difficulty of use... ur answer is just keep trying until u get it... not a good answer to busy guys who have no real stake in sending the data anyway....

Other than the language issue, it's NOT difficult to use in the slightest once you're set up. You log in with your callsign and password (most PC's will even remember them for you if you have cookies enabled), click UPLOAD FILE, browse for it and send it. If you want to do it by e-mail it's even easier. e-mail your log to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as an attachment. Big Whoop.

-when ham radio, a hobby, is more secure than banks, ah, where have we gone?

Who says banks are less secure than the League's certificate system? Your bank verifies your personal info up the wazoo when you open your account. You get checked and verified from here to kingdom come. When the bank is sure you're you, and you get an ATM card, you like that to your data and it's all encrypted behind the scenes. It's more STREAMLINED for the bank user because frankly they have millions of dollars to pay programmers to make it idiot-proof (or at least idiot-resistant). The bottom line is that your local bank branch makes you prove you're you, just as the ARRL, up front, demands the same proof.

And if you can't afford to mail a photocopy of your license to the US, you seriously need to reconsider this hobby, IMHO!

-using mail to register and reregister and reregister etc... ur mail works.... many do not.

Charlie, what are you talking about? re-register? Ummmm....You send in your documents ONCE, then you re-new once every 3 years ONLINE. It takes 30 flippin' SECONDS to renew.


Yup, that's a problem for sure, and as I wrote in a previous post, that's maybe something the local societies could work with the league in improving. I think at the least, the League should support English, Spanish and maybe French and German. Leave Sindarin, Qenya, Esperanto and Klingon to 3rd-party developers.

-dislike of ARRL... maybe a factor but there is also distaste for America abroad now... USA lost all of its good graces abroad soon after 9/11 due to its foreign policies... Am. squandered all the huge sympathy within months of 9/11.... believe me, America is not beloved anymore outside its boundaries, and that attitude spills over into ham radio as well as every other activity in modern life.... sad.

But I bet many of those same stations that have a distaste for the United States government's foreign policy will willingly take a stateside ham's dollar bills and send a paper card out upon request. I don't know about you, but when I work a station from a country that is known to generally dislike the US, I don't personally give a rat's right royal rump what the politics of the situation are. I greet every ham I talk to with a GA/GE on CW, or "nice to work you" on phone. I'm working a fellow ham radio operator not their country's minister of propaganda. *well, *probably not). I think dislike for the ARRL as an organisation is probably more concentrated in this country than it is in the rest of the world.



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