Has anyone had a chance yet to get some serious use of the new Yaesu
FT-2000, especially with one or more MTU preselectors installed?
For me, the key question with any new rig is whether the receiver
performance is SIGNIFICANTLY better than its predecessor, or its
competitors. A new rig will always have new features, which
typically make working difficult ones easier, but I'd like to hear
whether the FT-2000 plus MTU is noticeably better receiving than the
FT-1000MP (for example).
We shouldn't assume that improved receiver performance comes
automatically along with all the extra features. For example,
although the FT-1000MP is my primary workhorse rig, I have always
been disappointed that its raw sensitivity on a totally quiet band
(10M long path for example) is not as good as my old Kenwood TS-940S,
which will be back on live standby when the sunspots eventually
TIA, John, NT5C.
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