You might find my Spread Sheet easier to sort than a WORD document. Works fine in Open Office Calc as well.
ARRL DXCC Card Checker
VE/VA6 QSL Bureau Team
(403) 251-6520
ve6lb (at)
----- Original Message -----
Cc: QSL ; Chat
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] [Dx-qsl] DXCC application

Hi Tom.  Running account.  That's exactly what I want to do.
Although with Open Office not Word :-)

Tom Anderson wrote:
> Larry:
> Many times I've kept a "running" account of my upcoming DXCC submission
> in MS Word so I wouldn't have to sit down for one long period and typed
> the whole thing out.  I just printed off the "running" account when I
> got ready to make my DXCC submission wrapped it up with the QSL cards
> and never had a problem with DXCC.    My submission in MS Word followed
> the suggested DXCC submission format and the spaces on the DXCC form,
> call, date, band, mode, multiple QSOs on one card, etc.
> Tom, WW5L
> Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> I have some questions on how to fill out the DXCC application.
>> 1.  My understanding of the FAQ is that the stations and entities
>> within a band-mode category can be in any order - is that correct?
>> 2.  How do I delete a line if there is an error I can't fix?
>> 3.  Am I permitted to have blank lines separating a band-mode in case
>> I miss something in a band-mode?
>> 4.  Can I type my own form that looks as close to the ARRL form as
>> possible?  It's much easier to sit down at a computer and type in the
>> information rather than fill in a form by hand,  especially with my
>> current handwriting <g>
>> 5.  My last submission was in 1950 something.  My understanding is
>> that I would have to submit current cards in order to qualify for
>> band-mode awards.  That is, submit new cards where possible.
>> Larry
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Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Linux
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