DXing 101:
If the DX is transmitting- Don't transmit!
If the DX answers a call, and its not yours- Don't transmit!
If the DX answers a call, and you don't think it was yours- Don't transmit!
If the DX is in contact with another station, and that station is transmitting- 
Don't transmit!
If you've called the DX, but the pileup is continuing on, and you don't know if 
he has answered someone- Don't transmit! He most likely came back to a call, 
but the pileup buried the contact.
If you can't hear the DX station well enough to know if it is you he called- 
Don't transmit!
If you have called on the same split frequency for more than 10 minutes, face 
the fact he either is not listening there or can't hear you there. Use your 
split function to listen for the station the DX is working and call where he is 
listening, or where you think he will listen next.
If you've worked the DX station, go celebrate, or find him on another band. 
Don't listen to the DX frequency and yell UP! UP! everytime someone accidently 
transmits there.
Don't respond to the Europeans or other wannabe DX stations calling cq near the 
DX frequency. They are just trying to see if they can get a rise out of you, 
and your transmissions will likely do as much if not more to disrupt the DX 
Do not give a signal report with your call unless the DX has responded to your 
call. Doing so will not make the DX hear you better or convince him to work you.
There are probably a lot more you can think of. Of course, those signed up for 
this list know these things. The question is- how to educate all those who 
Duane, WV2B

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."- 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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