At 10:05 AM 5/6/2007, Peter Dougherty wrote:
I'm willing to wager that for most of the complainers, if they did two things they'd get a lot more in the log. Buy a small amp. 600W or 800W makes a HUGE difference

Amen Peter. However, I sincerely believe there are other factors involved that the new or relatively new DX'er doesn't have, and can't buy. It's called experience, or maybe savvy. Equipment wise, I'm not too far from the bottom of the pecking order. I have a 20 year old Cushcraft A3 at 75 feet, and a Heath Warrior struggling to get 500 watts out, but still I don't miss anything. Am I something special? Absolutely not. I have just been in enough pile-ups(and so have a lot of you) to know how to read the operators, and the pile-up. My favorite response when someone asks what you have to do to be on the Honor Roll is; "Get Old". IMHO what is between the ears counts at least as much as that 1.5 KW amp and a giant antenna at 100 feet, and when the chips are down, that big killer signal isn't worth much if you don't know what to do with it.

Those jokers sitting around crying the blues will just have to do what the rest of us old goats did. Wait, keep chasing DX, and learn.


"age & treachery will overcome youth & skill"

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