At 11:23 AM 05/06/2007, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:
I had to
visit a better station to work the rare ones (my club's station, with
a Cushcraft X9 at 120' and a kW in the shack).

I've always resisted that.  Even when I was in college and we had an
X9 at the club station (K2CC), it was the rig in my dorm room and a
wire or nothing at all.  Just a personal handicap on the whole DXing
biz, but you're not going to see me whining on the cluster.  Of
course, I was dorm hamming at solar max last time so I was knocking
down new ones (T30 comes to mind) on 10m with a 12 foot wire.

heh. The club station in question for me was the Hall of Science in Queens, WB2JSM, of which I'm a life member and past VP and station manager. I don't restrict myself artificially when it comes to all-time new ones, with one exception: I won't be spoon-fed on a handicapped DX net. If I can't work from my home station I will visit a station where I can work them from (and will let me use my own call). I'll use full legal power, the cluster, my ears and anything else that will give me an advantage and get my call in their logs. Yes, I've used a DX net in the past, but would never dream of accepting assistance from anybody on that net. If I work the guy, I exchange signal reports and if I don't get through, so be it (this was back in my 100W/wire days, before I knew better).

Luckily (???) I'm now at the point that anything I need will be through DXpeditions. BS7H was number 300 in the log for me.

I read that email on ... you know, the profane guy
with atrocious spelling... and I wondered what piece of crap he was
trying to work BS7H on because I read his comments while I was hearing
them just fine here near DC on my delta loop at 25 feet, and I have
power line noise!

Yeah, another real piece

Now AA8CH is ranting and whining on the e-ham DX forum, too. How much you wanna bet he's a colonel or captiain in the DX Police Deptarment, too :-)



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