I know this isn't going to get any sympathy from US OPs, but I'll ask anyhow. DX stations *usually* ask for areas like EU, NA, SA etc. And because there are so many JA DXers, often JA only. Where does Canada and Mexico fit into this? 3C7Y just spent 10-15 minutes asking for USA only and finally went QRT because the whole world kept calling.

I agree, especially on the first few days of an operation, DXpeditions have to cut things down somehow, and going by continent where they have the best propagation makes sense. I do not think they ought to single out a specific country. NA, EU, AS, etc. should be good enough. Given the relatively few VE and XE stations compared to W, does it really help to ask for USA only? If so, they ought to take 10-15 minutes and ask for VE only, and then XE only.

    For the record:

(1) I don't need 3C on 20M
(2) I know the main CW OP personally (KH7Y) and I'm sure he meant NA
(3) They will be there long enough to work anyhow

Just a philosophical question -- wouldn't it be better to ask for continent? I'm not picking on the current 3C operation, just pointing out that a lot of DXpeditions do this -- especially asking for "JA only." Seems to me "AS only" would make more sense, as then the HLs, HSs, etc would have a shot then. To their credit, when most say say USA only they mean NA, and will take VEs and XEs, but in my view DXpeditions should go by continent, not specific country. Try to imagine the chaos if they started picking out individual EU countries . . .

73/DX Paul VE1DX

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