Paul M Dunphy wrote:

I know this isn't going to get any sympathy from US OPs, but I'll ask anyhow. DX stations *usually* ask for areas like EU, NA, SA etc. And because there are so many JA DXers, often JA only. Where does Canada and Mexico fit into this? 3C7Y just spent 10-15 minutes asking for USA only and finally went QRT because the whole world kept calling.

There are two goals:

1.  Work people as quickly and efficiently as possible.

2.  Keep callers engaged in the pileup by letting them
    think they have a reasonable chance of getting through.

Both of these are related.

Aside from bad pileup behavior, there are two issues:

1.  How many hams in a geographical area (i.e. density)
2.  How large is the geographical area (i.e. ant beamwidth)

Calling for all of North (or South) at once (or any large continent for that matter) may be impractical antenna-wise. You have to see what the target area looks like on a great-circle map from the DX station's location. Heck, Australia from W1 goes from something like 230-330 degrees!

If the target area footprint is small, then call for the whole target area. If the ham density is high, then break down further by numbers. Don't dwell on one number too long, unless the opening to that region is extremely short (NA West from Middle East, NA East from Southeast ASIA).

The most practical is USA/VE together (if it makes sense geographically), then standby for NA outside USA/VE. The ham density of this second target area is low enough that going by numbers probably is not needed.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/0, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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