"I guess the only solution is to ignore if you can and steal their pleasure."

If we could get every single ham who wanted to work the DX to have
infinite patience and totally ignore the jammers, they'll go away.

The DX will always hear everyone in a split pile, and there will
always be a good fraction of the pileup that can hear the DX and not
the jammer just like I could on 40m.

If no one sends "UP" or "LID" or the "FU" I've heard a few times, then
the jammer is just going to hear the DX soldier on in the face of
jamming, apparently unhurt.

It won't cure the problem (some jammers are very persistent) but it
will help if they generally think they're too weak to be heard.

"I can't explain why things have gotten so much worse lately, unless
the general downturn in society in general."

I don't know either but there is something I've observed.  Some DX
operations get almost NO jamming, some are jammed constantly.  I don't
think it has much to do with the loudness or rarity of the expedition.

That smacks of a deeper story than "people are jerks"

I think some jamming is probably specifically targeted at certain
individuals or DX groups for personal reasons.

5L2MS has had fierce pileups but I haven't heard much intentional
transmission on their TX frequency, have you?

They're mind-bendingly loud in NA too on some bands...in Western
Africa and in great demand, and yet, I heard a fair bit of intentional
jamming on C52C on 40 and now this report of the same on 30.

What's the difference?  Maybe I'm wrong, maybe 5L2MS is getting jammed
just as much, but I haven't noticed that if it's true.


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