
You describe the problem very well.  The only thing is, it's kind of like an 
accent.  You can pick it up going in, and you tend to lose it going out.  
Habits are hard to break, but so long as we don't pick up on it ourselves, I 
think in time it will begin to fade.  If we don't acknowledge it by making the 
same statements ourselves, eventually our methodology will prevail.  In the 
meantime, we all will have to wince a little each time we hear it. Hopefully, 
though, we will hear it less and less.  It's awfully easy to spot a former 
CBer, just like it's easy to spot someone from Alabama or Boston.  The folks 
from Alabama or Boston won't change because they are still talking to people 
from Alabama and Boston most of the time. But the ex-CBer is now talking to us, 
and will get "retrained" over time.  

But we tend to adopt various things ourselves.  I find it curious how certain 
phrases in ham radio get started.  One that comes to mind is "the operating 
conditions here are".  What started that?  Did that come from CB?  I sure don't 
remember it from years gone by.  But in the last few years I've heard it a lot. 
 It sure is a lot easier to just say "the rig here is".  

Dave W7AQK

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bob Beaudet 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 6:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Radio Procedure-on phone

  Many if not most of new hams are graduates of the CB ranks.
  While I'm glad that they discovered ham radio, I'm also
  irked that they brought their vocabulary and procedures
  with them.
  Things like "Got a copy?", "I'll be on the side", 
  "How much power are you throwing?", "you've got Bill here",
  and many other expressions are learned on 27 MHz and
  not forgotten after they pass a ham exam.

  They use QSL as a question, meaning do you acknowledge?
  Of course, they usually should say over or go ahead on phone.
  We learned a different set of rules and standards but these
  ex CBers are filling the ranks. I hear them every day and 
  even though many are good folks, I surely would wish they
  would leave their CB ways at the door as they enter our fraternity.

  74, Bob W1YRC
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: LA5HE Ragnar Otterstad 
    To: dx-eu ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
    Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 5:27 AM
    Subject: [DX-CHAT] Radio Procedure-on phone

    T his reminds me:  

    Why are new hams using QSL instead of OVER ?   

    The Q-code was made for telegraphy to save  time and avoid language 
confusion. !

    " RAG "  Ragnar Otterstad   LA5HE JW5HE OZ8RO

    Located in Telemark - Home of skiing.

    For more information about Telemark take a look at :

       From UK:
       Has anyone out there got a copy of Standard Radio Procedures ?

       The reason I ask is that the police (I work in a police control room) 
are introducing what they call 'Airwave Speak' which is being adopted by police 
forces nationally. The grandly titled 'National Police Improvement Agency' has 
come up with a definitive list of words which are classed as good procedure, 
i.e   'OVER'  'STAND BY'  'ACKNOWLDGE'   'NEGATIVE' etc...... the usual stuff.
          However, they have binned for some unknown reason  'ROGER' and 
replaced it with 'RECEIVED' and have also brought in 'PLEASE'  'SORRY' and 
'THANK YOU'  amongst other changes!

      No, this is not april 1st. This is genuine.

      Although it will standardise terminology used by all police forces they 
have omitted to consult the armed forces who also have access to 'Airwave' and 
I believe have missed an opportunity to standardise Radio Procedures amongst 
ALL emergency services with whom we are supposed to be able to work if the 
proverbial you know what hit the fan.

      If I could get hold off or even print out from some internet site a 
definitive copy of  CORRECT Radio Speak I intend to make my disapproval known.

      SORRY?     THANK YOU?       ....... give me strength!

      Mick Martin

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