
Enjoyed reading about your CW rebirth experiences. I have had similar ones. At 
70YO now, I have been licensed since 1958. Originally, after getting my General 
Ticket in 1959, I preferred CW and got pretty good at it. Family and Career got 
in the way and I became inactive from 1963 until 2002 when I got back into the 
hobby with a good, modern station. I renewed my quest for DX. 

When they dropped the higher speed code speed in 2003 which grandfathered my 
General code proficiency to the Extra Class ticket, I took and passed the 
written exam. My CW proficiency was very poor at first, but I wanted to use the 
new 25Kc segments I now had at the bottom the popular bands. I bought a 
Morsematic keyer and awkwardely put my call sign in one memory location, and 
"599, TU" in the other. I called it my "2 finger QSO". Over time, my CW ear got 
better and my CW fist improved so that I no longer do  "2 finger QSO's". My 
operating speed is now around 25-30 WPM solid and I avoid SSB operations almost 
entirely. CW is now my preferred mode of operation. I love this mode and am 
glad circumstances forced me back into it. Thanks for sharing your experiences. 

John Owens - N7TK 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Abercrombie" <4...@prtcnet.com> 
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 10:24:07 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: [DX-CHAT] working DXCC on CW 

Saw where Ron notarius got his 15 meter DXCC. Thought I would share my 
experience on working CW DXCC. I was able to copy 20 wpm on paper in 1968 when 
I took my Extra and had to pass a 20 wpm sending test with a straight key, but 
gave up on CW after that.  Last year I thought it was time for me to become a 
"real" DX'er by getting my CW DXCC. I have a Vibroplex paddle and a built-in 
keyer in my radio, but I can't send worth a darn with it at over 15 WPM (too 
old, no dexterity).  So I have 3 CW memory slots in my radio and I programmed 
each one for a qso exchange, and I can set the CW speed with my radio.  In my 
head I can copy my call and my report to at least 45 WPM and that's all I need 
to make a contact.  The other day, VK9GMW copied my call, sent me my call and 
5nn and he was S-0 on my radio. I wasn't sure I got him because he was ripping 
the code out so fast and he was so weak, but that contact was in his log.  
Making contacts this way has increased my code receiving speed, but I still 
can't send with the paddle. I am posting this info to maybe encourage someone 
to try CW regardless of their code ability. 
 N4JA (got'em all on phone and mixed) 
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