Again, as I posted about an hour ago, this is getting political and tempers are 
Global warming and similarly politically correct "science" is out of bounds for 
this reflector.  
It may be OK elsewhere, but not here. 
Tempers are starting to flare, and I'm already getting a few PM's about it.  
Let's stop this before it goes any further, OK?

73, ron w3wn
administrator, dx chat

Dec 8, 2010 10:11:00 AM, wrote:

> There isn't one factual statement

Talk about "lack of facts" - these are facts that the media
and Global Warming alarmists simply ignore since they are not
easy to explain away and disprove the hypothesis concerning a
correlation between human development and global temperatures,

1) Atmospheric CO2 levels are lower than the average level
through geologic time (fact).
2) If atmospheric CO2 levels caused global warming we would
be in an ice age as CO2 levels are currently lower than
in either of the last two major ice ages
3) Global temperatures have shown far greater swings through
geologic history - *before* industrialization and urbanization
- than the cumulative two or three degrees C over two to
three decades that the "Global Warming Alarmists are obsessing
4) The largest contribution to increases in global CO2 levels
has been in deforestation in the "developing world" - China,
India, Brazil and large parts of Africa.
5) NASA space based global temperature records show less than
1 C change in nearly 30 years of data.

> Does anyone filter this crap?

Don't like it? Don't contribute to the fiction ... otherwise use
your delete key.


... Joe, W4TV

On 12/8/2010 8:18 AM, Don Berger wrote:
> There isn't one factual statement in the message below nor has it
> anything to do with DX, ham radio, electronics, etc. Does anyone filter
> this crap?
> Don
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug" 
> To: ; "'DX CHAT'" 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 1:32 AM
> Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] If a country sinks beneath the sea, is it still a
> country?
>> Everyone is entitled to their opinion. In my opinion the
>> United States of America can do essentially nothing to effect
>> climate change/global warming. Haven't you heard ... this
>> supposed global warming caused my man made CO2 emissions is a
>> scam. I repeat ... scam, fraud. Man made emissions effect on
>> climate change is a paltry 0.25%. Besides, India and China
>> are the big polluters. Ignorance can be fixed, but you can't
>> fix stupid.
>> Doug
>> "Those Island days are always on my mind,
>> Someday soon I leave it all behind"
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On Behalf Of
>> Jim Reisert AD1C
>> Sent: December 7, 2010 6:26 PM
>> To: DX CHAT
>> Subject: [DX-CHAT] If a country sinks beneath the sea, is it
>> still a country?
>> Editorial (New York Times)
>> The Urgent Islands
>> Published: August 29, 2010
>> If a country sinks beneath the sea, is it still a country?
>> That is a
>> question about which the Republic of the Marshall Islands - a
>> Micronesian nation of 29 low-lying coral atolls - is now
>> seeking
>> expert legal advice. It is also a question the United States
>> Senate
>> might ask itself the next time it refuses to deal with climate
>> change.
>> According to the world's leading scientists, sea-level rise is
>> one of
>> the greatest dangers of global warming, threatening not only
>> islands
>> but coastal cities like New Orleans and even entire countries
>> like
>> Bangladesh.
>> In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
>> conservatively
>> predicted a 20-inch sea-level rise by the end of this century
>> if
>> current trends were not reversed. Because of various
>> uncertainties,
>> its calculations excluded the melting of the Greenland and
>> West
>> Antarctica ice sheets. Some academic studies have suggested
>> that rises
>> of four to seven feet are not out of the question.
>> Officials in the Marshall Islands - where a 20-inch rise would
>> drown
>> at least one atoll - are not only thinking about the
>> possibility of
>> having to move entire populations but are entertaining even
>> more
>> existential questions: If its people have to abandon the
>> islands, what
>> citizenship can they claim? Will the country still have a seat
>> at the
>> United Nations? Who owns its fishing rights and offshore
>> mineral
>> resources?
>> --
>> Jim Reisert AD1C, ,
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