In the late 1960s I was one country off the top of the honor roll,
Heard Island. I lost interest in DX and faded away. One Heard Island
DXpedition came and gone. Then in 1983 VK0CW was activated. I
put up a 20 meter dipole and worked them. I could now say I worked
them all. However, I never sent for a card.

        Fast forward to late 2009 and I got back on the air. I won't say
I was away from DX for a long time but a DL was a new country. As I
started working all time new countries I started to wonder if a card
from VK0CW was at all possible. I posted a request for help on the
NJDXA DX-CHAT reflector and received many replies. One of the
replies suggest trying Dan, N2DT.

        Yesterday an envelope from N2DT arrived with the coveted
VK0CW QSL and a note. The enclosed note said:

"About half the log papers were ruined about 10 years ago due to
flooding in my basement. I also didn't recall having any more blank

But ... because of my affection for Elliot, W2DIE (NJDXA SK) , and
the NJDXA I dug through the water-distended packages and found an
entry for W2DEC. Then I tore apart my store room and came upon
3 blank QSLs.


Dan N2DT

        Almost 28 years to the day after the QSO the VK0CW cards
arrived.  I now have #1 DXCC circa 1967 :-)

        Thanks again to all the people who replied to my request for help.
Moral of the story, never give up on a QSL.

73 es DX

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