The "hold-up" is that Logbook of the World hasn't been updated for the new
PJ entities yet.


Which won't happen until the 2010 backlog on DXCC applications is taken care


As the League has been saying for weeks if not months.


Further, don't expect it for awhile.  I know the League at one point was
hoping to have caught up by now, but at the moment, I wouldn't expect it
until the end of February or the beginning of March.


Don't blame the League.  Blame the number of DXCC applications submitted.  I
see some in "the queue" online
( that date to the beginning
of October.  My own 40 meter app was submitted (officially) on November 11th
(just after the WACOM hamfest, where they were field checked) and at that
time, the "wait" was approximately 8 weeks.  Obviously that has changed.


It can't hurt to ask for some of the direct cards, most of those are out by
now or will be out soon.  


LotW will come.  Hang in there a little longer.


73, ron w3wn



From: [] On Behalf Of Jim Abercrombie
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 5:11 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] QSL's


I've gotten QSL's from W3HNK for the PJ4 guys and from direct to PJ7, but |
have been holding on for PJ2 and PJ5,6 cards sent direct.  I know some said
not to send cards because they would QSL via LOTW. None have shown up on
LOTW. I wonder what the hold-up is.


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