I noticed a few of those during the contest.  What I found interesting is that it would be an almost continuous, non-stop CQ for a few minutes (most 4 -5, some as many as 10)... and then all of a sudden, there'd be a pause and then they'd hear and work you.
Let's call this what it is:  A sneaky, underhanded, and unsportsmanlike method to "hold" a frequency, while the station goes elsewhere to work a few mults... or go to the bathroom, answer the phone, or grab a drink or whatever.
Sorry.  If you have to leave, leave.  You have no guarantee the frequency will be clear, but that is (or should be) the risk you take.  And if the frequency is occupied when you return, whatever the reason, tough.  First come, first served.  Nobody owns a frequency.
Someone earlier mentioned to me the sense of "entitlement."  You are not "entitled" to a frequency.  QRO or QRP, big gun, little pistol, or squirt gun... if the frequency is in use because someone heard it open up when you left, them's the breaks.
And I do believe, in the US at least, a near-continuous transmission like this may be in violation of the FCC rules on one way transmissions.  Although I'd check on that before saying so with authority.  Not that anyone ever listens to me...

Feb 23, 2011 04:05:29 PM, cwd...@gmail.com wrote:

Nobody has addressed the opposite side of the coin: Incessant callers calling CQ TEST XXXX without giving a chance for people wanting a qso to break their non-stop calling.. those are also annoying...
I also "enjoyed" the 65 WPM callers? Who were they trying to catch? The skimmers?
73 de HK3CW  Rob
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 3:19 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Continuous callers

 Why notstart recording some of them and post the clips on a website?
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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