I went to Dayton 8 years in a row. My wife is from the area We stayed with her 
brother. The last year I went was in 1991. Now we 
have her family reunion around the 4th of July and we go there. Being poor 
folk, we can only afford one trip up there a year. It is 
a 9 hour drive from here to her brother's house near Brookville, IN. That is 
about an hour SW of Dayton. If I had a better income in 
my retirement years, maybe I could go back there. But we beat a dead horse to 
death over making contributions to DXpeditions 
earlier, so I won't go back there. Let's forget that thread. I hope all who 
went to Dayton had a good time. I stayed home recovering 
from working the 7O 15 times. BTW. I made a 2nd contribution of $5 to the HK0NA 
crew today. I have now sent them $10.

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