I hate it when you get 6 sequential spots saying something like "P5AAA tnks QSO 9 bands"

It contains no usefult information to the reader apart from
"My dog's bigger than your dog"!


On 08/06/2012 01:49, Gary K9GS wrote:

Yes Barry!

Kinda along the same lines are people that use the comments field to "talk" to the DX station.....

On 6/7/2012 7:01 PM, Barry wrote:


Even better is a spot asking a DXped to QSY to another band/mode. We all know they monitor the Cluster and respond immediately to such requests, NOT.

Barry W2UP

On 6/7/2012 10:35 AM, GERRY wrote:

Spotting etiquette has bugged me for a long time so I thought I'd vent.
I really don't understand why some folks want to tell us that they can't hear the DX where they are. I thought the purpose of DX SPOTTING was to tell us where (and by whom) the DX IS being heard. Imagine the traffic if everyone who didn't hear the DX reported it. I have my program set to tell me when the DX is being heard in NA and it's darn annoying to get an alarm and highlight from someone in BC (I use BC as an example not to offend other NA non-spotters) telling us he also can't hear the DX.
73, Gerry VE6LB/VA6XDX
VE6 QSL Bureau Team
DXCC Field Checker
ve...@telus.net <mailto:ve...@telus.net>

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