KL7A in Bhutan WAS looking at the cluster. I saw several spots he self-posted 
as from KL7A  spotting A5A. What you said is not 
always the case. KL7A is listed on the A5A web page as one of the operators 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barry" <w...@comcast.net>
To: <telw...@telusplanet.net>
Cc: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Spotting Etiquette


Even better is a spot asking a DXped to QSY to another band/mode.  We
all know they monitor the Cluster and respond immediately to such
requests, NOT.

Barry W2UP

On 6/7/2012 10:35 AM, GERRY wrote:
> Spotting etiquette has bugged me for a long time so I thought I'd vent.
> I really don't understand why some folks want to tell us that they
> can't hear the DX where they are. I thought the purpose of DX SPOTTING
> was to tell us where (and by whom) the DX IS being heard. Imagine the
> traffic if everyone who didn't hear the DX reported it.
> I have my program set to tell me when the DX is being heard in NA and
> it's darn annoying to get an alarm and highlight from someone in BC (I
> use BC as an example not to offend other NA non-spotters) telling us
> he also can't hear the DX.
> FWiW
> 73, Gerry VE6LB/VA6XDX
> VE6 QSL Bureau Team
> DXCC Field Checker
> ve...@telus.net <mailto:ve...@telus.net>
> 403-251-0384
> http://www.qsl.net/ve6lb
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