OK, since I know what Duane is referring to, let me clarify... putting on the Admin cap first...
The question was raised about why County Hunters objected to the use of phonetics on their net.  (And I have the feeling that it wasn't neccesarily handled in the best way possible, or the question might not have been raised, but that's not germane at the moment)
Duane answered, and in doing so, quoted part & parcel of from the County Hunter's site as to why their group discourages use of said phonetics.
Now, I neither agree nor disagree with their position; I'm not a County Hunter, so I don't know off hand how they do things.  But clearly, they have their own way of doing things.  So if you want to operate on their nets, what Duane quoted is how they want things done.
I understand that some have disagreed with him.  But he's just relaying the reasons.  In short, "don't shoot the messenger"
What does this have to do with DX'ing?  Well, we have many DX'ers who hunt counties, and might be interested in the CH net(s), so it certainly is of interest to THEM to know that procedures on those nets or with those groups are different.  So, IMHO, it's not 100% related to pure DX, but there's more than enough to justify a friendly discussion.
And, as Zack pointed out, other groups (on other frequencies or modes) also have procedures or methods that differ from traditional DX'ing.  It's good to know that, even if it's not something that any one of us is neccesarily interested in at the present time. 
Bottom line is, IMHO... if you don't care for the way a particular group operates, don't take it personally... either adapt to their methods, or move along.  And if you don't understand WHY they operate that way, there's nothing wrong with asking for an explanation from someone who knows. 
73, ron w3wn
administrator, dx chat

On 06/19/12, Elsie & Gerry wrote:

Since this post doesn’t have any context included, I don’t have a clue what
he’s talking about. A bad habit of many.

Gerry VE6LB

From: Duane, WV2B

Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 7:32 AM

To: dx-chat@njdxa.org

Subject: [DX-CHAT] Since this really has nothing to do with

Since this really has nothing to do with DXing, and is turning into just a
bunch of bashing, maybe we should agree it doesn't belong here and go on with
our lives?

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