Some random thoughts regarding LOTW.

The current number of registered users on LOTW is 54,228. The total membership of the ARRL is now over 158,000, according to the ARRL. You do not have to be a member of ARRL to register on LOTW and upload logs, so we can assume the actual number of registered LOTW users who are also ARRL members is less than the total number of registered LOTW users. Even if all the registered users were ARRL members, this number would represent only a little more than third of the total membership of the ARRL. LOTW competes for resources within the ARRL, both financial and otherwise, just like any other business. There is presently no charge to register and upload logs to LOTW. Yes, there is a charge to claim LOTW credits toward ARRL awards, but you can assume that only a portion of this income goes directly to support. LOTW, the rest goes towards the overhead of administering the DXCC program. As significant users of LOTW, would we be willing to pay more for the service if the service were to improve?

I have had an ongoing dialog with my Division Director, Cliff Ahrens, K0CA regarding the issues with LOTW starting back in November. He has been very responsive and I believe some of the changes you have seen recently, such as actually being able to see the queue in real time is a result of his efforts on my and others behalf to bring more transparency to the problem.

I would suggest that if you are an ARRL member, you let your Division Director know your constructive thoughts to improve LOTW.

73 de Bill, K9RZ

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