
I've been reading comments on the LotW situation for several weeks now -- on
this reflector, on other email reflectors, and in the online forums for
several web sites.

Based on that overall picture, I think we can group the "critical comments"
into two categories:

The first category concerns comments from those who are generally interested
in getting the situation resolved.  That includes users with and without an
IT background, many of whom understand the issues regarding a worldwide
database application of this magnitude, and how difficult (and expensive)
the management of such a system can be -- to say nothing of the fixes when
something goes kaflooey.

I consider this category the "constructive" comments.

The second category concerns comments from those who actually don't care
about LotW.  Most of these are from people who have a grudge against the
ARRL in particular and/or other amateur radio groups or societies in
general.  Some of these people are simply being ornery curmudgeons just they
can be (or because they like, for some twisted reason, to stir up trouble
for others).  

Many of the comments from this group, when you step back and look at them
overall, show a lack of understanding (or an unwillingness to care) about
the situation in general or in specifics.  Many of the comments become
contradictory; that is to say, they answer another's comment solely to
further their agenda at the moment, and/or smear LotW and/or ARRL,
regardless of what they said in the past -- be it a month ago, a week ago,
or 10 minutes ago.

I consider this category "destructive" comments.

I have no problem with the constructive comments.  I may not agree with
someone, but I respect them for saying it.  These comments are from people
who genuinely want to get the situation fixed -- both for the moment and for

Now as far as the destructive comments, I am sure that I'm not the only one
who would like to tell this small group to Shut The Front Door.  These
comments are not helping.  They are sowing confusion, misleading
conclusions, and in general are raising the background noise without
improving the Signal to Noise ratio.

So... those who truly wish to assist or are truly concerned about fixing the
problem, please continue to post.  

As far as the other group goes... your displeasure has been duly noted.
Thank you.  Now: let the rest of us work on the issues without further

73, ron w3wn
Note:  Just speaking for myself.  Not putting on my administrative cap on...

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Don Berger
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 2:47 PM
To: Dx-Chat
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: LOTW cannot possibly catch up

Having read most of the comments critical of the time lag, I am reminded of 
the time when it took "forever" to get confirmations via the mail and some 

This whole issue seems to me to be centered among those who either can't 
recall those days or the younger folks who suffer from what is hopefully not

a communicable form of the disease knows as instant gratification-itis.

Don K1VSK 

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